Trying To Make Abortion Go Away Will Not Make It Go Away

Taking Away My Choice Doesn’t Take Away My Right To Choose

4 min readMay 18, 2019
In a row, plain white doors are closed.
qimono on Pixabay

Yesterday morning, I picked up a Wendy’s cup from the table by the couch to pour out the leftover drink and throw the cup away. On the side, the Snapchat logo was accompanied by a slogan: “Support adoption in a snap.”

Except I mistook it at first glance to say, “Support abortion in a snap.”

That would’ve been fine with me.

It makes a lot of sense for Wendy’s to be endorsing adoption; founder Dave Thomas was adopted when he was six weeks old, and he went on to champion that cause as an adult. Wendy’s website even names adoption as their “signature cause,” and spare change dropped into in-restaurant coin canisters goes to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

Adoption is a noble cause to support. But, in a way, so is abortion.

I hesitate to call the act of abortion itself noble, and I can count more people than I have fingers to count on who would jump down my throat to argue that “there’s nothing noble about murdering an innocent baby!” or “unborn child!” or whatever you want to call a fetus. (What you call it doesn’t really matter.) And I will agree that there’s nothing noble about murdering an innocent baby — but I’m not…

