Wordplay Weekly Wednesday

(Huh. Maybe I should’ve planned to release my new Substack newsletter on Wednesdays instead of Mondays.)

2 min read3 days ago
Visit (or follow) me for FREE on Substack! New editions of Wordplay Weekly every Monday.

Hey everybody! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything here on Medium, and I’m just dropping in with this note today to share that I’ve moved over to Substack, where I’m currently writing a weekly anything-and-everything creative project newsletter called Wordplay Weekly. Also, it’s 100% free; I don’t have a paywall in place, and at this time I don’t have any plans to add one.

For a long time now I’ve only been using Medium to read the work of one or two people, but even before that, I think I became pretty disillusioned with the site — partly because of all the changes that have been made since I first joined in 2018, but also, I think, I became disillusioned with myself as a Medium writer and the subconscious pressure to write “quality” in the hope of getting noticed, and how detrimental that became until I was no longer writing anything at all. Not anymore — but I just don’t believe Medium is a good home for me as a writer anymore.

I still really appreciate the diversity of stories and perspectives I’ve discovered here throughout the years, and that the membership price has remained low. I’ve already canceled and reactivated my membership a couple of times because I just can’t decide which way to go — I still have several favorite member-only stories saved on Medium that I have saved and enjoy rereading because I feel that I can learn something from them, and I know there’s more good writing on the platform, even if the algorithm is no longer funneling it to me.

I just don’t believe Medium is a good home for me as a writer anymore.

So, right now, here’s what I think I’m going to do: my membership will expire in May, which gives me the next six months to decide whether it’s worth keeping, and, if not, to save the stories I would like to keep. I also may be migrating what I already have here on Medium over to Substack.

Either way, like I said, I don’t plan to be posting anything more here because I’ve moved over to Substack, where I’d love to have you if you’d still like to follow me! (Again: completely free and conveniently in your inbox each week, and you can unsubscribe at any time. No hard feelings.)

